How You Can Have an Edge if You are an Artist in Business

If you are an artist who thinks you know nothing about business and yet have made the decision to take on an entrepreneurial venture of some kind that involves what you do creatively, you may feel you have hit a wall. It is possible you have growing doubt about your capabilities and knowledge necessary to […]

Artist in Business

How do you make the connection within yourself between being a creative artist and yet at the same time generate effective strategies for your business?

NYC Workshops AI Feedback Idea Reinvention

The Ask AI Guy is innovating the promoting process with AI Marketing YOU, and the New York City (NYC) Workshops are significantly contributing to this transformation. These workshops are centered around harnessing AI’s predictive abilities, aiming to equip businesses with the knowledge to anticipate market trends and stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly […]

“Empire AI: Building in the Open, NYC Workshops Edition”

One of the significant attributes a small business, such as an event organizing entity, can offer to its community is a tailored experience that goes beyond the generic offerings of larger companies. This can be achieved by recognizing and leveraging the unique value proposition (UVP) inherent in their operations. A unique value proposition might, for […]

Gaining Knowledge Online and Off

Clearly what was originally known as the Corona-19 Virus changed everything quickly, including creating a new way that the majority of people used when it came to education. NYC Workshops had to pivot and with pre-existing students was able to teach in a new way for NYC Workshops which was to go online. This proved […]

Is Your Audience You?

Thanks to the METHOD HOW Report for giving us permission to use this report as a blog post. Is it possible that you yourself can be the kind of audience member you are trying to reach?. How well do you know yourself? Are You Yourself the Demographic You are Reaching out for?We have been doing […]

Some Thoughts on Doing an Online Comedic Video Ad

Say you have decided to take the daring jump into using comedy in conjunction with an ad you are creating. You start to look around for research items that can help with the process. And one big question that comes up often is that of trying to figure out where in the commercial should the […]

Business Acumen Versus a Creative Outlook

Taking Action to Help Him Find a Solution to His “Problem” The more I bantered back and forth in my mind about the whole Business Acumen Versus a Creative Outlook, an idea started to gel. Wonder if I could somehow show him a way to easily start a digital business that would allow him to […]